Resetting LinkedIn connection

What you need to do when you need to reset your LinkedIn account's connection to Boost AI Agency​

Sometimes re-authenticating through Boost AI Agency alone isn’t enough and you will have to disconnect directly from LinkedIn. This helps reset the connection completely.

1. Go to your Linkedin profile, click on your profile image in the top right, select Settings and Privacy, then go to Data Privacy.

2. Scroll down to Other Services and click on Permitted Services

3. You should find Boost AI Agency there. Disconnect it from the Linkedin account and then try to reconnect it from the Boost AI Agency app.

  • After this, the connection needs to be reestablished through Boost AI Agency.


  • Why can’t I mention other people?

    Unfortunately, this is not supported by LinkedIn’s API. You can only mention companies.

  • Does Boost AI Agency allow posting in LinkedIn groups?

    Unfortunately, this is not supported by LinkedIn’s API.

  • Can we post PDFs / carouself posts on LinkedIn?

    Unfortunately, this is not yet supported by LinkedIn’s API – but we are in continuous contact with their product team, and we’re trying to push for them to add this ability! Hopefully soon